
                               Saving Democracies from International Antagonists is Crucial! Why?  Because Anti-democratic Antagonists want Democracies to become extinct and “replace them” with Authoritarian rulers [Dictators, Putin in Russia], or with Religious Rulers [Theocracies, religious leaders in Iran and Afghanistan].  Antagonists purposefully activate political and religious destabilization Internationally to accomplish these goals, with Wars, with fascistical Nationally inclined Political Parties [The Brothers of Italy], and Extremist Religious-Right Fundamentalists [ISIS, the Islamic State].  Communist and Autocratic Leaders are Antagonists, as they govern within Authoritarian governmental systems which despise the principles of a Democracy, such as civil rights, freedoms, equality, the rule of law and much more.  The U.S. Antagonists are the Extreme Right-Wing ideologists, which include the Christian-Coalition and Evangelicals, also, the White Supremacists, Civil War advo

The Struggle for Revenge Must End

                                                         My Re-introduction to the Politically Interested World Hello Everyone, My name is Angela Oberbauer,   I'm an American, a Blogger, and have a new Domain and a new Website: I'm a political scientist and researcher, with 23 years of teaching experience: 15 of which in Universities and Colleges in the San Diego, California area.  Since 2015, teaching and developing International Curriculum at German Universities.   My teaching and research interests:  World Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations trade and business, and Religion and Politics.  Within each of these areas, I teach students about International Globalization and understanding the international Political Economics World; as well, which government officials in Democracies or in Autocratic governing Countries, have the Decision-making responsibilities. As a renewed Blogger, I hope to connect with a broad public
The Insurrection and attempted Coup d'etat of the U.S. Capitol Last Wednesday, January 6th, 2021, an insurrection by an extremist-mob attempted a “coup d’etat”  to over-throw the Congress and even to kill some U.S. Capitol Representatives, Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, and Vice-President Pence who, as President of the Senate, had oversight of the counting and could confirm the Electoral College Votes out of each of the 50 U. S. States.  The mob's intent was to stop the Capitol Representatives from counting the Electoral College Votes, which is the final Official process in the confirmation that President-Elect Joseph Biden “is” the next President of the United States!  This Coup was the result of continuous lies and incitement by President Donald J. Trump since the Election on November 3, 2020, stating: "... the election was a fraud", [and encouraged his followers to go directly to the Capitol at a rally on January 6, 2021 and take back the election.  Nevertheless, after hou
  Hello United States’ Voters living or working in Europe or Elsewhere,      We only have a bit more than four weeks until the U.S. Election, TUESDAY, November 3rd, 2020. I hope each of you will vote in your designated State, or as  an absentee voter per mail, or fax your vote in.  No matter. Please vote!    This  election is beyond important.   It is imperative to our Democracy and future! Here are just a few reasons why:      If you want to maintain a Democracy in the United States that protects  Liberties and Rights for all under the U.S. Constitution, Federal and States’ Laws,  and you realize the significance of the loss of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader  Ginsburg recently, and her tireless work and advocacy for women’s Rights and  Equality, then your votes are more important than ever!      If you want to stop Authoritarianism, Divisiveness, and the increasing  Xenophobic and Racist Bigotry the White Supremacists and Religious-Right  advocates freely exercise as Trump  Far-Rig

Political Forum: Hello Everyone,Finally, my posting and proper fu...

Political Forum: Hello Everyone, Finally, my posting and proper fu... : Hello Everyone, Finally, my posting and proper functioning of my blog domain seems to be now in order.  Let's hope it continues. As ...
Hello Everyone, Finally, my posting and proper functioning of my blog domain seems to be now in order.  Let's hope it continues. As everyone, I very much wanted to see the Muller Report.  The information from Special Counsel Robert Muller and staff on both the possibility of whether or not the Trump Campaign colluded with Russian operatives is well and clearly stated. Also:  whether President Trump has committed blatant acts of "Abuse of Power" or not, is likewise clearly itemized systematically in this Report. Here is a direct link to CNN's entire Muller Report at the following website, and I hope you read it: The Muller Report at CNN   Let me know your thoughts. Best always, Angela Oberbauer, M.A.