Hello Everyone,

We often discuss inequalities in class between different socioeconomic groups.  
I have a new Plus Point assignment worth a possible 5.00 points.  Read each of the following articles.

1). By Economist and New York Times Op-Ed Columnist, a Democrat, who, in the following article analyzes wealth in his article Wealth and Work.   
Here is the link.  click next to the "h" at the http part of the url and it will pop up the link.
Paul Krugman, Wealth Over Work, in the New York Times, March 24, 2014,

2).  Also read the second article by David Brooks, Op-Ed Columnist at the New York Times, a Republican, and advisor to numerous Presidents.  David has also written an article on poverty titled, The Republic of Fear.  Here's his link:
David Brooks, The Republic of Fear, in the New York Times, March 24, 2014,
Instructions:   Write a three page summary:  on the first page summarize Krugman's article; on the second page summarize Brooks' article;  on the third page tell me who you agree with, Krugman  or Brooks, or both and why.   Each page must be typed, 23-25 lines, double-spaced, normal font, normal margins.  Due:  hand in the first half of class for the 8-week M/W class, due June 30th, 2014; 
for the 8-week T/Th class, due July 1st, 2014.  
Good luck!
Angela Oberbauer, M.A.
Political Science Program
San Diego Mesa College


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