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                               Saving Democracies from International Antagonists is Crucial! Why?  Because Anti-democratic Antagonists want Democracies to become extinct and “replace them” with Authoritarian rulers [Dictators, Putin in Russia], or with Religious Rulers [Theocracies, religious leaders in Iran and Afghanistan].  Antagonists purposefully activate political and religious destabilization Internationally to accomplish these goals, with Wars, with fascistical Nationally inclined Political Parties [The Brothers of Italy], and Extremist Religious-Right Fundamentalists [ISIS, the Islamic State].  Communist and Autocratic Leaders are Antagonists, as they govern within Authoritarian governmental systems which despise the principles of a Democracy, such as civil rights, freedoms, equality, the rule of law and much more.  The U.S. Antagonists are the Extreme Right-Wing ideologists, which include the Christian-Coalition and Evangelicals, also, the White Supremacists, Civil War advo