
Political Forum: Hello Everyone,                                   ...

Political Forum: Hello Everyone,                                   ... : Hello Everyone,                                                                            May 5, 2018 The 7 U.S. Supreme Court Justices r...
Hello Everyone,                                                                            May 5, 2018 The 7 U.S. Supreme Court Justices ruled yesterday, June 4, 2018, with a 7-2 Ruling   in favor of a devout Christian [artist] baker Jack Phillips vs. two Gay men, Charlie Craig and David Mullins in Colorado (  Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission  at Scott Lemieux, June 5, 2018,  The Court stated  that, "... a Colorado [Civil Rights Commission] panel’s decision against him  [Phillips] had been infected by religious animus (Zach Gibson, June 4, 2018, in the   Cited as:  584 U. S. ____ (2018)   SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES _________________ No. 16–111 _ ______...

Political Forum: Hello Everyone,It was interesting to see CNN's M...

Political Forum: Hello Everyone, It was interesting to see CNN's M... : Hello Everyone, It was interesting to see CNN's Maggie Lake's  Money Express, Money Pit show this morning from Wall Street  make c...
Hello Everyone, It was interesting to see CNN's Maggie Lake's Money Express, Money Pit show this morning from Wall Street make critical remarks with a U.S. journalist about an article in the New York Times today on German car makers having used monkeys and humans as ginny--pigs in research about the possible reactions to nitrogen oxide in diesel engines (Jack Ewing, NY Times, January 29, 2018 at; and at:  Netflix, Dirty Money Series, January 27, 2018).    Is CNN trying to push U.S. car stock sales and diminish German car stocks, by pushing this one-side story?  Let's look at our U.S. car industry and see what the other U.S. car manufacturer's use to show how they get their positive results relevant to chemical testing on the materials in their cars focused on protecting the U.S. consumer.  No one can agree more than yours truly that the cited testing noted by Netflix's Dirty Money Series and the Times' story on this issue is horrific, and r...

Political Forum: U.S. Gun Laws and the Las Vegas Massacre

Political Forum: U.S. Gun Laws and the Las Vegas Massacre : Hello Everyone, I am back, now teaching in Europe.  You will be hearing from me a lot now. First off, this horror in Las Vegas: Why St...

U.S. Gun Laws and the Las Vegas Massacre

Hello Everyone, I am back, now teaching in Europe.  You will be hearing from me a lot now. First off, this horror in Las Vegas: Why Stephen Paddock chose to annihilate 59 human beings and injure 527 more is beyond anyone's imagination. Paddock strategically planned this massacre.   We will find out how he acquired these powerful weapons and massive amounts of ammunition to execute his plan, and to no one's surprise, because the laws in so many states allow such access. The NRA must be proud of how the Nevada officials who faced the TV cameras yesterday, and spoke only about unity, thankfulness to all first responders, but not one of the officials, neither the Mayor of Las Vegas, nor Congress members, nor Governor Brian Sandoval of Nevada had the grit to speak out about the fact that U.S. Gun laws allow easy access to such weapons, causing this kind of carnage.  The Republican representatives, including President Donald Trump, whose political campaign ches...
Hello Everyone, Here's my research that I am publishing herewith in my Political Forum Blog, on 9/11 Women and Men Veteran Students, and issues they may face at some Colleges and Universities they are enrolled in across the nation.   Referenced Figures 1, 2, and 3 in the article are below, and I have permissions for each. If you have any questions or comments or would like to know more, contact me at any one of the following.   I hope you will enjoy reading this work. Angela Oberbauer, M.A. © 2015 email: email: Blog: Blog:    Figure 3: Screen Shot of  The 2013 Annual Homeless Veterans Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress, Part I,  U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development EXHIBIT 5.4: Estimates of Homeless Veterans ...